The St Martin’s Frontline Network supports workers from the public, statutory and voluntary sectors working on the frontline with those experiencing homelessness. The Frontline Network aims to build relationships, share best practice, develop solutions, and communicate the experience and views of frontline workers.

Coventry Citizens Advice are a partner of the Frontline Network. We are building a network of frontline housing and homelessness workers across Coventry and beyond, providing a space for the frontline to meet and have their views heard.


About the network in Coventry

Coventry Citizens Advice has been a Frontline Network Partner since 2017 and has been asked continue this work until 2022.

For people working with homeless or vulnerably-housed clients, we provide a space where you can network, share information, learn about local and national changes, and discuss issues affecting your clients, like Universal Credit or the Homelessness Reduction Act.

We hold a quarterly forum, attended by homelessness organisations, advice agencies and housing providers, along with council staff and DWP among others. We also hold additional meetings to cover specific topics like government consultations or Housing First.

We’re keen to give frontline workers a voice, by collating your views into responses to local and national consultations.

We look for better ways of working together, to improve outcomes for people who are vulnerably housed or experiencing homelessness.

If you’re a frontline worker in the sector, we encourage you to join the Frontline Network – registration is free, and members can access support, training, and networking opportunities, and apply for funding for Ideas, Shadowing work, and to hold your own Events.

The national network also administers the Vicar’s Relief Fund, which provides crisis grants of up to £350 to support people who are at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness or vulnerable housing, to establish or maintain their tenancies.


To find out more and join the Frontline Network:

For more information about the Coventry network, email Zoë at:

You can also find us on Twitter at @ZoeTHousing

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