Taking control of your finances as soon as possible could stop you getting into trouble with money. Making the best use of the money you have and paying the right people first can make the difference.
We have a lot of information and self-help tools for helping with debt found here.
You can contact our debt team by either calling 02476 25 2047 or emailing and ask for a debt assessment. Alternatively you can also seek specialist debt advice from contacting National Debtline or Step Change .
If you’ve been contacted by Enforcement Agents (otherwise known as Bailiffs) or are expecting a visit soon . You can call our Mas team on 02476 25 2047 or call National Debtline for urgent advice on 0808 808 4000 Monday to Friday: 9am - 8pm, Saturday: 9:30am -1pm.
If you have some time, you can check out our links on your rights, including how to stop bailiffs at the door, how to stop them taking your car and other rights here.
Parking Fines- If you wish to check your rights on parking fines, including how to challenge them, look at our information here.
For help with any other kind of debt or money issue, please click here.
There are different debt options like bankruptcy, debt relief orders and an IVA (to name a few). If you’re considering one, or you’ve been contacted by a company offering to do one for you, make sure you get free and specialist advice before deciding what to do, get this from Citizens Advice ( 02476 25 2047) or National Debtline or Step Change.

Useful Contacts
Debt Team: 02476 252 047
Adviceline: 0800 144 8848
National Debt Line: 0808 808 4000
Step Change: 0800 138 1111