
Forms, entitlement, benefit decisions, appeals, sanctions, claiming

You might be entitled to benefits even if you are working or have savings.
Claiming benefits could also give you access to further financial help such as cost of living payments.

A lot of people miss out on benefits they could get. A quick way to check if you could be entitled is by using a benefit calculator on either Entitled To or Turn2Us.

To check what benefits you can claim check National Citizens Advice.
For detailed information on all benefits please click here.
If you want to know more about Universal Credit, or have a problem with Universal Credit, read our pages about this here.

If you're on other benefits and are thinking about claiming Universal Credit we'd recommend getting advice before deciding to claim, to make sure you don’t lose money. Citizens Advice’s 'Help to Claim' teams will do a benefit calculation, explain Universal Credit and help you if you decide to claim.
Please click here for details.
PIP is a non means-tested, tax free benefit that can help with some of the extra costs caused by long-term health conditions or disabilities. It is based on how a person’s condition affects them, not on the condition they have.
To get PIP, you must have difficulties related to daily living and/or mobility for three months before you qualify and expect them to last for at least nine months.

PIP claims include an assessment of individual needs by a health professional.

You may get the daily living component if you need help with things like preparing food, washing, bathing and dressing.
You may get the mobility component if you need help with going out or moving around.

You can make a claim by calling the DWP on 0800 917 2222. You will need to have some basic information ready, such as your National Insurance Number, details of healthcare contacts (such as your GP) and your bank account details. You will not have to answer any detailed questions about your health when you call. The DWP will then post you a form that will ask you to explain how your disability or health condition affects you.
This is quite a lengthy form so we would advise you to get in touch and we can assist you in completing it.

If you want to know about PIP, please click here.
Pension Credit is a vital benefit that can significantly boost your income if you’re of pension age and on a low income.

Depending on your situation - including factors such as disability, caring responsibilities, children, and savings - you could have received up to £551.26 per week if you’re single, or up to £795.19 per week if you have a partner.

Coventry Citizens Advice urges all residents to check if they qualify, as many people are missing out on this financial assistance.
If you want to know more about Pension Credits or to check your eligibility, please click here.
If you have a form to complete you can check our guidance on how to do it below:
  • Personal Independence Payment PIP2 form "how your disability affects you".
  • Personal Independence Payment Review Form.
  • Universal Credit 50 (UC50) and Employment and Support Allowance 50 (ESA50) "Work Capability Assessment Form":
    These forms are very similar and you should be able to complete both using our guidance on the ESA50 form;
    For more information on Universal Credit limited capability for work click here.
  • Attendance Allowance Claim Form.
  • Disability Living Allowance for a child form.
  • For any other forms, please look through our individual benefit pages here.

If, after checking these links, you feel unable to complete the form call us on our Adviceline, 0800 144 8848, Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm for further help.
If you're on Universal Credit and you think you have been unfairly sanctioned you can ask the DWP for a 'mandatory reconsideration' (see below Challenging a benefit decision).
You will need to explain why you think the sanction is unfair. The DWP will inform you with a letter if they are upholding or changing the sanction. If you still think the decision is wrong you can go to tribunal.

For further information on benefit sanctions and how to avoid them in the future please click here.

If you're on legacy benefits (such as Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance) please click the individual benefit pages by following this link.

If you need help with food while you're sanctioned, you can contact the Help through Hardship phone line on 0808 208 2138 (Monday-Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm) to see if you might be eligible for a food voucher. For more info please click here.

You can also ask for help with food and fuel (as well as other essentials) through the Coventry City Council Household Support Fund until 31 March 2024 (may be extended). You can apply online by clicking here or you can call 0808 583 4333 if you can't do the application online.
You usually have either 30 days or one month from the date on the decision letter to challenge a decision, although, if there are special circumstances, you might be able to do it later. There is usually a two step process, firstly a "Mandatory Reconsideration" and then an appeal. However the process varies from benefit to benefit:
For all other benefits, please click individual pages here.

Useful Contacts

Adviceline: 0800 144 8848

Coventry Law Centre: 02476 223 053

Help to Claim (UC): 0800 144 8444

UC Claim Line: 0800 328 5644

PIP Claim Line: 0800 917 2222

DLA Claim Line: 0800 121 4600

Help Through Hardship: 0808 208 2138

Community Support Fund: 02476 833 773

Attendance Allowance: 0800 731 0122

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