‘10 Dos and Don’ts for Xmas’ – making the most of the festive period

Xmas can be a difficult time for struggling households. Here are some dos and don’ts which might help you make the most of the festive period.

  • Don’t judge Xmas by how much money you spent or the prices of the gifts you received.
  • Do see Xmas for what it can be – time with friends and family – and make the most of that time.
  • Don’t get what you don’t want or use what you don’t need.
  • Do make 2022 the year you finally ‘reduce, re-use and recycle’.
  • Don’t drink, smoke or eat to excess just because it’s what you always do.
  • Do have a healthy Xmas. Treat yourself in moderation and calculate how much money you will be saving to put to post-Xmas treats.
  • Don’t have a cold Xmas. Cold homes make people ill.
  • Do prioritise ‘heat and eat’ above everything else and be comfortable this Xmas.
  • Don’t bury your head in your current problems and think there is nothing that can be done and no-one who will help you. There is help out there.
  • Do start to think ahead to how you can make 2022 healthy and prosperous.

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year from all at Coventry Citizens Advice.


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